Types of House Lifting Jacks

House lifting is one of the most common methods used by people to move their houses. It's a good solution for those who are suffering from floods, landslides or other misfortunes. It will help you save money and time in moving your house from one place to another. We have various types of jacks that can be used for house lifting services in Kerala

house lifting with jacks

1.Arterail Jacks

Arterail Jacks are used for lifting the house from one side. It is a hydraulic jack that is used to lift the house from one side. It can be used to lift both sides of a building with ease and convenience.

This type of lifting jack has an air cylinder that is connected to the floor by means of an air hose. It consists of two parts, namely a frame and a cradle. The frame holds the hydraulic cylinder and its parts like bellows, piston rod etc. This part can be easily detached from the moving base or loaded onto it as required by increasing or decreasing its height accordingly.

2.Hydraulic Bottle Jacks

The hydraulic bottle jack is one of the most commonly used methods for house lifting. It uses a hydraulic pressure to lift heavy loads, and it can be operated manually or automatically. Hydraulic jacks are typically used in construction sites where there is a lot of soil movement and other physical stresses on the structure being built.

Hydraulic bottle jacks work by inserting an adapter into your truck's chassis and connecting it to an oil source tank that allows you to fill up your tires with pressurized fluid before placing them on top of the vehicle so they'll provide enough force during lift operations (more on this below).

3.Foot Pump Jacks

  • Foot Pump Jacks

The foot pump jack is a simple mechanism that can be used for lifting a vehicle. It is easy to operate, but its main advantage is that it can be used anywhere in the world because it doesn’t require electricity or an engine to work. The disadvantage of this type of jack is that it may not be powerful enough for some heavy vehicles and large trucks when they are being lifted off their wheels, especially if they have been parked on uneven ground or on steeper slopes than normal heights.

4.Air Pumped Hydraulic Bottle Jacks

  • Air Pumped Hydraulic Bottle Jacks

These jacks are used to lift the house from one side. These jacks are also known as Air Pumps or Bottle Jacks, which can be mounted on the ground and attached to a cement foundation or concrete slab. The pump draws air from an air tank through a hose into a cylinder connected to the base of an adjustable hydraulic jack that is capable of lifting heavy loads up to 250 kg (550 lb).


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